Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sears Kenmore Range

Tis’ the season of drop in guests! Once a large family from my church dropped by and I found myself looking at twelve people and a six pack of Omaha Steaks filets. With a Kenmore flat top range and a freezer I learned to solve the dilemma of serving an unexpected crowd. The best part is that you won’t have to spend much time away from your guests.
First, I chopped an onion and minced a garlic clove, then I threw those into the pan with 1 tbsp olive oil  and the frozen steak to sear it (thawed IS better if you have time). Do not cook the steak all the way through. Just brown it and remove from pan. Cut them into pieces after searing. Return to pan. Add 2 pounds of any frozen vegetable, one can of spaghetti sauce with one can water, and about a cup of burgundy cooking wine. Bring to a boil and then set on low for 30 minutes.
Dessert with peachesThis gives you time to whip up dessert. Start by draining a large can of peaches or two small ones. Whisk the juice into a box of cake mix – any flavor. Pour the batter into a cake pan or oven safe 10 inch skillet and place the peaches on top. Slide this into a preheated oven and cook according to the package directions. The oven temperature will also work for the bread during the last five minutes.
Go refresh your guests’ drinks and bring them to the table in just half an hour! Bring the soup to the table, and while that is being served, your oven timer will ring to let you know dessert is done. Pictured here is a peach cobbler baked in oven safe cookware from Sears

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Is Facebook Fattening? Part II

Earlier this week I asked if wasting time playing Facebook games would lead to a bigger waistline. It is possible, if you let it, for any online game, tv, or book habit to run your life.

On the other hand, if you are getting out and getting some exercise, it can be a relaxing way to pass time and make friends. I like to meet people locally. You have to be more careful than in years past, but I have found some good items for sale online, including my 2006 Suzuki Forenza. Now I get to go mall walking, and spend a lot more time at my favorite KMart and Sears stores. It seems to me few things are harmful in moderation, but without it, everything is.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Is Facebook Fattening?

This Thanksgiving I was very thankful I had aquired a car the day before. Until that time I took public transportation and walked a lot. Then they cut the bus routes. That meant more online ordering, more blogs, and more games.

I wound up with three high level "frontiers" in a pioneer themed game, three farms with different virtual trades, and entirely too much time spent sitting on my kiester right clicking little boxes.  I gained weight before Thanksgiving ever rolled around.  Basic transportation is a must and I'm really thankful!

Facebook is fun, but so is real life. More about my and my newish Suzuki Firenza tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Washer Workouts!

 Great news! I was chosen for Sears guest Blogger Program today, just in time for Veterans Day. Please read on or click:
Is dance a sport? Google says it is! I rely on fitness DVD’s. My mobility was limited for many years, and I found it safe and effective to use Fit TV . I have tried them all, Insanity, P90X, and my personal favorite, the Bollywood Booty series. It’s a combination of yoga, dance, and good, hard calisthenics.
The military usually had us doing physical training twice a day, and that is how a lot of these programs work. A few minutes here and there, until you reach the goal of 30 minutes, five times a week.
I lost so much I needed corrective surgery. After abdominal surgery, I really needed those self paced DVDs. This means changing clothes four or five times a day, even more changes when I first got out of the hospital.
You can imagine how this puts our Whirlpool through its paces, too! For moms and dads out there doing uniforms, bleach alternative can help protect jerseys from damage during frequent washes. My last washer was a Kenmore, which still runs after 12 years , according to my son, who has it now! I still like to use Sears HE detergent, and you can find all the brands at your Sears showroom. A big thank you to Sears for their support of Heroes at Home and the Stores and Stripes program.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Barilla Plus Pasta

Barilla Plus Pasta has more bang for your buck, nutritionally, than other brands I have tried recently. Like all good noodles, it is make with 100% durum semolina wheat. Barilla PLUS claims to have more protein than a hard boiled egg, more fiber than a cup of broccoli, and almost as much omega-3 as a serving of shrimp.

It is easier to stick to recommended serving sizes with this variety. It provides a lasting full feeling and it is my favorite brand to serve with meatless meals. Sauce clings to the pasta, the color is familiar, the taste is divine, and there is one thing missing. That sugar spike and hungry feeling that comes later, after eating something with a high glycemic index.

Barilla Plus Pasta is an easy way to do something good for your family.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Eating At Home More Often?

There are a lot of advantages to eating at home. Are you at a loss for what to fix? At our house i am lucky enough to have a retired chef with a sense of adventure. There is a series of books by Todd Wilbur about eating restaurant quality food at home. He details how to save time, calories, and cost, while eating food VERY similar to what is served in America's favorite restaurants.

Today was an incredible day. First we had a cheesy hashbrown casserole with a side of peppered bacon, minus the $30 Cracker Barrel bill. That brunch went a long way into our day. For dinner we had Chinese takout, but it was ready in 15 minutes instead of an hour waiting for the driver plus the tip.
For dessert, which we have on average about once a month, we tried Betty Crocker Supreme Decadence chocolate cake. It's the kind with melted chocolate chunks, that you could get with ice cream and a $10 tab at any casual dining chain.
Stay tuned for more hints on how to enjoy restaurant food at home, on the cheap, and don't forget the calories are a joke compared to what you'd get going out to eat several times a week.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Deli Bites, anyone? Johnsonville Deli Bites!

Recently I went to the mailbox and was delighted to find several samples of Johnsonville  Deli Bites, summer sausage flavor. They are fantastic! The shape is better than that of "Little Links" . These are slightly smaller, less greasy, and flat on the ends instead of hot dog shaped. They are firm but not too chewy, have a little sodium to them, and are spiced just right.

 I tried them with some Cheese Nips brand crackers, and fresh grapes. I felt full for a long time after eating the Deli Bites. It makes me really happy to be so satisfied with a small portion and not have to worry about the serving size being too large. These are kid  friendly, but toddlers should be watched closely with any kind of deli meat, hot dogs, or sausages.

Two of the pouches were chopped finely and added to plain marinara sauce. What a nice break from ground beef, and so easy to keep on hand!
You can find Johnsonville Deli Bites, Bratz, and Italian Sausage at most grocery stores.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Triscuit Thin Crisps and Wheat Thins Stix

Kraft First Taste has given out a lot of generous offers lately. They have been sending full size coupons as samples, and cents off coupons, too. I received some Triscuit Wheat thins, in new sundried tomato and basil flavor. This was the first whet thin product I had ever tried and really liked!
After writing a critical review on original flavor, I am here to set the record straight. These are fantastic. I tried them with salads, alone, and with soup!
 These provide much needed fiber, and are a great alternative to potato chips! These are great with sandwiches, too. so crunchy and satisfying. You will feel full for a long time after you eat them, and not get tired after lunch. They can help you cut down on snacking and the box is a great value for your money.

My favorite use for these: to make in real life the canapes I made on Top Chef PC game.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Quietest Member of My Family

The Kenmore chest freezer is a reliable friend in my kitchen. I am a great lover of gadget cooking, and we own the Deni convection oven, various indoor grills and electric skillets, crockpots and the like. All my appliances come from Sears online.
My Kenmore sits where the stove used to be, but it’s much easier to clean. We only eat fresh or frozen food, and stock up on double or triple coupons. Since the freezer was installed, our grocery bill was cut in half. Even flour can be frozen to extend the shelf life. I lost a lot of weight by avoiding the canned and box section of the grocery store, but it was awkward and expensive using the regular fridge top freezer.
Now, I can thaw items in the fridge or even the convection oven straight from the freezer. Portion control is a breeze, and studies have shown that frozen and even canned fruits and vegetables are just as nutritious as fresh, by the time they reach the store.
This is one item I use every single day and it runs like a dream. I would recommend every family, no matter how small, should have a chest freezer. Mine is 6.9 cubic feet but one smaller than that could be fit into a closet if absolutely necessary. Food keep so much longer, and meal planning is so much easier, that dinner is a joy again and my Kenmore helps me save money for other things.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Chex Mix GetTogether

This weekend I invited the youth from our neighborhood to sample three new flavors of Chex Mix and some of the moms attended, too. We had a great time watching Avatar and snacking on Chex Mix. My daughter, Margaret, shared a fat free dip recipe. Then we played a game to come up with new ways to use the new flavors of Chex!

There are 13 flavors of Chex. We served  Chex Turtles, Sweet and Salty Chex and Original Chex Mix, provided by My Get Together. We also discussed recipes for Sour Cream, Cheddar, BBQ, and Bold flavors.

Chex Turtles with chocolate bits won by a landslide. Some of the moms said they had tried sweet and salty granola bars and their kids really loved the Sweet and Salty Chex Mix. A few guests made tiny sandwiches from the rye bits (about the size of a quarter) in the original mix.
Some of the new ways to use Chex are: pinch hitter for baking crumbs, rounding out cheddar meatloaf, salad toppings, dessert, and just a few for crunchy BBQ chicken.

Here is a fast, fat free dip recipe:
16 ounces fat free cream cheese, softened
juice from one lemon
1/2 bunch of green onions, finely chopped
dash of cajun salt (optional)
Mix and chill an hour or more. Use within 3 days.

For more info on Chex Mix, look for reviews at or visit Chex on the web.